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Did you miss the free classes?
I wanted to make sure you got to see these classes, as a way to say "thank you" for coming to my recent classes. You can watch the replay until Saturday, January 29 @6PM

Hidden Secrets and Powers of the Astrology Signs - It shows two areas of life, one where we feel most confused, where the sign of cancer falls - and one area where we try very hard to overcompensate for that confusion, where the sign of Leo falls.

Releasing the SerpentA profound technique for healing the confusion of the nodal axis. It's based on a principle called  "Bhavat Bhavam Compounding".
Why am I teaching a "Beginners" Class 
Understand this: It's not really a “beginners class”.
Yes, it is for all levels. But it is actually a great “reset” for the hundreds, if not thousands of astrology students that have taken my courses over the years. These two weekends will help to reorganize and refocus your efforts, if you have been studying off and on. But it is also a great way for beginners to come in with fresh eyes.

This course is for you if:
  • You've been studying Vedic astrology off and on, but you've not found a sensible structure to explain things in proper context or to help move you forward to deeper study.

  • You have mainly been interested in western astrology, and are trying to get into Vedic and you want a good, focused course to tie it all together in a comprehensive, fun and friendly way.

  • You want to learn Vedic astrology, but may seem "too complicated" and/or you may be encountering strange teachings, like using the tropical Zodiac with Vedic methods, etc - Or other ideas. This will be a clean reset, so you can understand these teachings on their own.

  • You've gone through certification courses, including mine, and you were very inspired by it. But then you get back to your life, back into the "Video snacking life” from other astrologers, etc. - thus you are not really using the deep and you are not using profound knowledge that you gained from these courses. Well, this will be a long overdue shot in the arm. This weekend will reorganize those teachings again, and add a lot more to what you did previously.

  • You want to hear my latest and most streamed line methods and tactics AND/OR you want to hear these teachings through fresh years,... YOUR OWN! 

  • You're interested in overall self improvement and wanting to understand eastern, dharmic practices (which include yoga and other spiritual practices). You have a sense that everything is connected somehow, but you don't know how. These weekends will be all inspiring for you. You may have a hidden and buried passion for astrology and these spiritual teachings, and you don't even know it exists.

Realize this, as with all of my courses, if for any reason you are not satisfied with the course I will give you back your money. It hardly ever happens, because I am known to truly overdeliver, just like I'm doing here. But you are free to take a chance. You will get close to 20 hours of teaching for only $79.

Understand Something. This is not a retread of my greatest hits, or something.
These are new teachings, with newfound insights, with a renewed focus, with renewed concentration on just the most important aspects, and they are also being taught with the assistance of four great astrologers and Co teachers, which really helps to bring the teachings to life in a very enjoyable way.

It’s true… 
Life is complicated and, even though you have studied astrology in the past, or wanted to, you have not been able to get it all organized or you have gotten distracted with your studies and need to refocus. I will be teaching you concentrated "Meta-methods" that I have recently unfolded. 
  You Will Learn:   
  • Sacred Astronomy / Cosmology - understand the truth behind the zodiacs and the cosmic calendar and your spiritual path that results.
  • Ancient Zodiac facts & Wisdom - Connect to your transcendent nature, that which allows you to rise above all the pain and problems of the earth.
  • Eastern and Western timekeeping - Learn Spirituality from the authentic source, the dharmic practices of India not the confused new age dilution.
  • Sacred Calendar and Holidays as Spirit awakening on earth - learn to align with these holy days, and why they are the real portals to access your divinity.
  • The Universal philosophy of Yoga & Karma - Connect to the transcendent principles that make astrology work on a soul level. Chakras, karma and more.
  • The 3 qualities of nature & how you evolve through Body, mind & spirit - learn these important evolutionary principles and the matrix of life on earth.
  • Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha and our evolution, and a lot more - How to ascend through the different motivations that keep you confused and stuck.
  • The 7 Planets - sacred planetary "Channels" - Open these direct channels in your mind and consciousness. Again, not in some new age sense, in truth.
  • The evolutionary processes through them - learn the specifics of how and why you get stuck with anger, lust, greed, fear, shame and how to evolve them.
  • The Astrology Signs as the psychological nature of the planets - learn this $1,000,000 matrix which allows you to understand everyone, planets ruling and in signs.
  • Masculine and feminine energy and your connections of the Planets to the Signs - this deep psychological framework that underpins your relationships & efforts.
  • Exaltation & debilitation points of planets - understand clearly the upward trajectory of your mind and consciousness.
  • Overview of the Astrology houses - Your karma and evolution unfold through tangible events. Understand these hard won victories and tragic losses.
  • The houses & Body, Mind, Spirit. How your life evolves from family to relationships to God and spirit and more.
  • The connection to the things in your life and how you feel about them - there's a big difference between getting something and actually wanting it or keeping it.
  • The 4 main principles and motivations - these four core motivations are the key to understanding all of your inner conflicts.
  • The sacred astronomy of the Nodes - The Transcendent intersection of body, mind and spirit is at the heart of understanding the nodal journey.
  • Exactly how the Nodes disrupt your life - divine confusion is at the heart of the nodal axis. But why would God want you confused?
  • The specifics of the "false choice" they Nodes set up - The bewildering false choices we are obsessed over is at the heart of the nodal axis.  
  • The healing aspect of the Nodes - In many ways we are here first to try to heal the deep split as shown by the nodal axis. But how?
  • A "common sense" approach to organizing the Nakshatra scheme - 27 nakshatras or overwhelming to most people. Learn how to organize this Zodiac.
  • How the Nakshatras work as the wives of the Moon - you need to understand the power in proper context and how that power flows, otherwise you will be overwhelmed and ignore the nakshatras.
  • Their connection to each Zodiac Sign - you must know how to connect each nakshatras to each Zodiac sign, we will go over that and make it practical.
  • The special nuances and chart details you must know - there are key relationships between planets, signs and houses that you must understand.
  • A simple, yet powerful "checklist" of how these details are organized - Rather than be overwhelmed by these details they will be organized for you.
  • The special formula you can use to make consistent predictions - I've put together a special formula that makes for rock solid predictions that work pretty much 100% of the time.
  • All of these classes take place in the form of conversations between two highly skilled astrologers, who are also friends, who have also been trained in the same deep and powerful methods.
Unique Learning Format - A Friendly, Online Satsang

One benefit of the recent lockdowns is it got us all more focused on the reach of online course. For me, it really opened up my eyes to how much better my online courses would be if I had other teachers assisting. It is not only good for me, (teaching with another voice, a friend and someone I like) but it is especially good for the students to learn by witnessing the teachings come to life through lively, fun and deep conversations - where both teachers also open-up their life to show how the teachings are so much more than just memorizing details.  

This is a unique way to learn and makes that learning process extremely enjoyable. Not only do you have the benefit of two voices, but it is two voices that are constantly reaffirming and reinforcing the techniques being discussed.

I know this is important because I participate in many “panel discussions”. Although it is interesting to hear different perspectives, most of the time the astrologers don't really agree with each other, or reinforce the methods, they may even be disagreeing politely, which also leads to quite a bit of confusion for those listening. Although it might be “interesting” to hear these differing points of view, we are often left with not being sure of what to do or what is correct.

That is not the case here. The astrologers who will be assisting me have all been trained in the same methods and have been using these methods reliably for many years at this point. They are deeply experienced in the principles, methods and outcomes that we will be discussing. Thus, it is not just another voice with me, it is another voice that is enthusiastically reaffirming the techniques and methods that you will be learning.

You will hear their own experience with these same ideas and concepts. And, most enjoyably, these are conversations between friends where there are many personal anecdotes shared which brings the teachings to life in a way that you simply cannot reproduce in other settings. Humor and real examples from our lives and practices is simply impossible to replicate.

As a way to learn Vedic astrology from the beginning, or to “Reorganize and Reorient” your own Vedic astrology knowledge and practice, I think this is second to none.
Vedic Astrology 8020 - Begin, Reset or Restore Your Vedic Astrology - 79.00 - Two Weekends - Plus a Live Q&A Class.

When: March 5 and 6 and March 12 and 13 @10AM - 4PM Pacific Approx. (with break) Or at your convenience if you cannot attend in real time.
Lifetime Access to Recordings 
Where: Your Home. It is a Live Zoom Class
How Much: $79.00 (Social Distancing Discount)
You Get: 18-20 hours of live classes. Audio, Electronic Manual, Lifetime Access, Discount for other Courses. 

Opportunity to be Certified as having passed this "Vedic Astrology Essentials" Course.

Taught Live Over 2 Weekends
March 5-6 & 12-13 

March 5
March 6
March 12
March 13
Vedic Astrology 8020 - Begin, Reset or Restore Your Vedic Astrology - 79.00 - Two Weekends - Plus a Live Q&A Class.

When: March 5 and 6 and March 12 and 13 @10AM - 4PM Pacific Approx. (with break) Or at your convenience if you cannot attend in real time.
Lifetime Access to Recordings 
Where: Your Home. It is a Live Zoom Class
How Much: $79.00 (Social Distancing Discount)
You Get: 18-20 hours of live classes. Audio, Electronic Manual, Lifetime Access, Discount for other Courses. 

Opportunity to be Certified as having passed this "Vedic Astrology Essentials" Course.

The course will approach consultations in a twofold way.

First – “Astrology Counseling Session” Focus.
I will share the tips and tricks I have used to give professional, world-class astrology readings for more than a decade. This section of the course will focus on specifically getting the most out of your astrology sessions.

Second – “Astrology Technique” Focus.
I will give very detailed instruction on how to make your predictions really pop, and where to look for answers when you need to find out.

In the  “Astrology Counseling Session” Focus Section You will learn:

  • Exactly what to say in all situations to clients, regardless of your ability to know for certain how to make a prediction.
  • Leave clients feeling super empowered after your readings, rather than more fearful and confuse
  • Answer difficult questions clients ask you, where you can’t possibly know the outcome.
  • Deal with the “pressure” clients put on you to “fix their life for them”, and how to empower them instead. This also takes the pressure off of you!
  • What to do when your client is lying to you or not being truthful with themselves, and you. How do you help people who are so confused? And more importantly, how do you not get sucked up in their confusion, and start believing their story.
  • What “karma” is, and what “astrology” is actually showing. These two basic points of confusion are also the highest leverage points for your practice and understanding and your ability to convey it through your readings.
  • How you are part of your clients karma, and what role you have to play in their journey. This also goes directly to maintaining proper boundaries and not overreaching with predictions.
  • The best way to frame your predictions so your success rate and accuracy skyrocket.
  • How to be 100% certain of everything you say, and have it be 100% correct. (I know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s not) It requires a shift in your astrological perspective and an understanding of how to communicate correctly.
  • How to speak with equanimity and neutrality to both inspire people to see the bright side, and face their difficulties with grace.
  • Suggest remedies that people will “actually do”, rather than (or in addition to) to Mantras and practices from an alien culture.
  • How to establish a “good container” for your readings. This is crucial, as it allows you to stay in control of the interaction, rather than have it get away from you. Most of this is your “mindset”, but there are also specific techniques and time management skills that you must know.
  • Dealing with problem clients, projection, boundary issues, mental illness and things astrology cannot reach, etc. I have talked to many chart readers over the years, and it only takes a few really bad problem clients to sour us on the whole experience of astrological counseling. This is a huge subject and we will break it down, So you understand exactly what to do in every situation.
  • Finding the delicate balance between “counseling” (where the client is speaking and “processing”) and reading their chart/telling them what and why things are happening.

In the “Astrology Technique” Focus You will Learn:
  • The most streamlined techniques possible. These are my “go to” methods, developed over more than a decade, and after thousands of paid consultations.
  • Evaluating the 3 (or 4) Karakas, which allows you to focus in on a problem with great precision.
  • The secret sauce of timing factors. There are dashas, transits, aspects, yogas. How do you juggle it all? How do you filter through so many different possibilities? What do you tell the person now, that they most need to hear?
  • The role of Nakshatras in chart analysis and consultation.
  • A lot more. You will be seeing how I do readings and organize the voluminous amount of data.
Guest Faculty
Assisting and co-teaching will be Dr. Malini Iyer, Casey Scott, Alexis Cox and  Elise DeVilliers 
Students have gotten used to Classes where there’s a lively exchange between me and other teachers. Rather than it being a lecture, you will enjoy a dialogue where the material is talked about at a very deep level.

These conversations make it much easier to grasp the material. Not only are you hearing my presentation, but you also hear their questions, feedback and clarifications, based on their own practice and client work.

We also use our own charts as case studies, which further brings the material to life, so it is not just abstract concepts, you see everything put into practice.

TESTIMONIALS - from recent classes